There are certain things, lots really, that are okay for me as the parent to do, that are not okay for Kate, the child to do. For one, it is okay for me to tell Kate "No." It is not okay for Kate to tell me, "No." It is okay for me to open the make-up drawer (however rarely) in the bathroom. It is not okay for Kate. It is okay under the appropriate circumstances to remove something from Kate's hands - like the scissors she found the other day. It is not okay for her to take something out of my hands or another child's.
A double standard exists in parenting.
You see, as an adult I have more freedoms than Kate does as a child because I have more knowledge than she does. My freedoms came as I grew up, matured, and gained responsibility and wisdom. You do not want to give anyone more freedom than what their current maturity level can handle.
As a parent of very young children this may seem obvious. It is natural to set appropriate boundaries and limits that keep our young children safe and teach them respect. As they grow older, it can become more difficult. I have had the opportunity to parent older children as well as younger. Situations where there was a double standard were often difficult for me to enforce because I didn't understand the concept above: freedom comes with responsibility and maturity.
Why do I bring this topic to this blog? Because it helped me to understand God in a new way. People often question why it is okay for God to order many people to be killed as he did in the Old Testament of the Bible, or why God can give us rules and expectations to follow. While I do not claim to be any sort of learned or trained theologian, I believe one answer is because the relationship between us and God is like that between parent and child.
God has more knowledge than I do. He is the author of Truth. He is the creator of the world and everything in it. He is the giver of wisdom. He is All-knowing and All-powerful. This means that he has way more freedom than I do.
Kate has to learn to trust me and the wisdom that I have to make decisions for her until she is old enough to make more decisions on her own behalf. I have to learn to trust God and his wisdom to make decisions for me and for this world, even that I don't understand, because he is God.
In the end, I don't believe it is a double standard. I believe that it is wisdom...God's design.
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