10. Be responsible for your own things. Pick up after yourself. Treat your things well.
Sure, I don't have a tendency to step on my toys and throw them in the midst of a temper tantrum, but God has blessed me with a great house, beautiful yard, flowers, a small garden, a tiny flock of chickens, and so much more. It is my responsibility to not be lazy and to take care of these things well without complaint.
9. Face Your Fears.
The dark. Crowds. Monsters under the bed. Putting your face in the water. These are fears my kids face and are encouraged to overcome on their own with a lot of encouragement and help. I have my own fears. Some are relatively easy to face - like my fear of heights, but others I can make excuses and shy away - like speaking up even if my opinion is unpopular or speaking truth even if it might cause hurt.
8. Share and be generous
I may not run around clutching my favorite item of the day to my chest yelling MINE in quite the same way that a pre-schooler does but I do notice that some things I clutch more tightly than others. I am intentional about being generous, but I want to make sure that I don't put a limit on God and withhold certain things. That is not to say that my girls aren't allowed a few special toys that they don't have to share (don't mess with AJ's blankie people...BAD things happen!), but I know that God is generous and a great gift giver and if he asks me to share something I hold dear I want to trust Him and obey.
7. Have a healthy approach to food
Oh you know simple things like don't eat your feelings, or eat when you're bored, or tell me your hungry when you really just want to tickle your taste buds.
6. You are not in charge. You don't need to know it all. Hear it all. Say it all. Understand it all. YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL...
oh yeah, neither am I.
5. Don't assume (the worst)
Kate often will approach me asking for something with an attitude that suggests I have already said No and thus whining and convincing is necessary in order to get that glass of water. Or she will react to something as if there was ill intent even if it was just a misunderstanding or an accident.
In much the same way, I can often jump to conclusions about my kids behavior or what I see in a situation or even judge someone's intentions when I really have no idea.
4. Solve your problems, don't whine about them
When Kate or AJ are "in a mood" they have a tendency to react big when something little isn't perfect. If a doll keeps falling out of the toy carseat, or a certain outfit won't go on a doll, then we can get extremely upset. Sometimes this leads to refusing to continue to play with the doll and pouting in a corner. The refusal to find a way to solve the problem or ask for help, ends up taking away play time.
When confronted with a challenge, problem, or something that just isn't how we want it, we can crumble, fold, stomp, yell, and whine (c'mon you know you've done it too) or we can take it to God, ask for wisdom, and come up with creative solutions. Be a problem solver, don't let them handicap you and your fun.
3. Use Your Words
A couple days ago it took Kate about 10 minutes to choose to say "May I have milk please" without whining, baby talk, or random unnecessary noises, in decibels loud enough for me to hear. She also has a tendency to resort screaming and grunting at me when she is angry.
So I have gratefully matured beyond this point but I still struggle to put all of my feelings into words and express what I need in a positive way with those that I care about. Just because I don't scream and grunt doesn't mean I am always using my words. Stuffing them is just as harmful.
2. Be Patient
Have you ever been asked 17 times for one cup of juice in a matter of 60 seconds? Most moms have.
Have you ever counted how many times you have said "will you please be patient?" with an obvious edge of impatience in your tone? I admit, I haven't and I don't want to. Teaching patience starts with demonstrating it. All I can say is, God, I need your help, please!!!
1. For the love, please just obey!
Don't ask why. Don't make excuses. Don't argue with me why you don't need to. Don't obey when you feel like it. DON'T SAY NO!!!
Did you know the Bible says things like, don't judge, don't complain, don't hate, don't let any course or unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, be kind, be joyful, love others as yourself. I want to not just be a hearer of the Word, but also a doer; to realize that these words were written with an intention to be followed and obeyed to the best of our abilities. Not when we feel like it or it is convenient. Not to be argued with because it doesn't make sense anymore. Not to make excuses why it just isn't easy. You get the picture.