Sunday, January 27, 2013


I think it is adorable when Kate says "button."  It comes out sounding more like "bunnons."  It is only slightly less cute than when she says "kingcup" for ketchup (it definitely took me a little while to figure that one out).

The thing is however, when I look at Kate and say, "Say button" with emphasis on the "t" sound, she says it correctly.  She has the ability to say the word the right way, but for whatever reason she doesn't.

In the broad scheme of life whether Kate says "bunnon" or "button" at 21 months old is rather irrelevant.

The concept of having the knowledge and ability to do something, but not doing it, is not.  Here, I'm speaking more of myself and specifically of my walk as a Christian.

I read the Bible and I have a good understanding of what it means to be a Christian, or literally a follower of Jesus Christ.  I desire to "do what Jesus would do."  But I know that sometimes I miss the mark.  Living like Jesus is to live a life of radical, sacrificial love, of confrontational, grace-filled teaching, of deep intimacy with the Father, and much more.  I have the knowledge and ability, but I don't always do it.

I am grateful that Jesus gave us his Word and His example so that when I am tempted to go back to saying "bunnon" with my life, he reminds me to "say button."  Ultimately, I cannot be like Jesus on my own anyway, it is only through Jesus, his sacrifice that defeated sin in my life, and the Holy Spirit that helps me every step of the way, that I too can love radically, teach well, have access to the Father, and much more.